Persistent Autonomy and Robot Learning 

Welcome to the PeARL lab website! 

Our research focuses on developing machine learning algorithms and their application to robot autonomy and physical Human-Robot Interaction. Our group's research interests include Learning from Demonstration, Learning Reactive Behaviors, and Reinforcement Learning. 

we are hiring! see more info under opportunities. [position closed]

Autonomous Underwater Inspection

Mobile Manipulation of Complex Skills

Inspection and Repair using Reactive Skill Learning

Autonomy Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Systems

Autonomous Underwater Manipulation and Failure Recovery

Visuospatial Skill Learning with Symbolic Planning

Trajectory Learning using Generalized Cylinders

Visuospatial Skill Learning for Object Reconfiguration

Visiting PeARL

We accept visiting students in both graduate and undergraduate levels. Make sure to attach a cover letter and your Curriculum Vita when contacting us. 
